*Shamanic Healing Art*


Farez Hernandez, born of Lenca (Native MesoAmerican) and of European descent, grew up among the tropical forests of Honduras. Shortly after the assassination of his father, Farez faced threats to his own life, and decided to move to New York.

Connecting with the wisdom of his ancestors and gaining knowledge from many other traditions, Farez co-founded the Shamanic Community Gathering NYC to bring ancestral wisdom and to create community through a vision of a new humanity in harmony with Mother Earth. He’s convinced that honoring and respecting the ecosystems where we live is key to having inner peace and harmony in life.

Farez is a Cacao ceremony facilitator, artist, storyteller, healer, and builder. He offers Shamanic Energy Healing, Pagamentos (payments to the spirits) Reiki, Egg and Candle cleansing & readings, Sound healing, Soul retrieval, Cord cutting, Home cleansing and much more.

His calling in this life is to live in harmony with Mother Nature and assist others to remember that we are divine beings, children of the Earth.  If we wish to live happily we have to connect and live in harmony with her.

He offers shamanic energy healing, reiki, eggs or candle readings, sound healing, soul retrieval, cord clearing feathers cleansing, tacuma needle technique, crystal wand technique, amulets and crystal empowerment, and much more.

Rates are available upon request.

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